Monday, September 9, 2013


I am listening to songs by Yuna while writing this entry. Earlier today I came accross her blog. What caught my attention was the way she penned down her thoughts. They were like lyrics of her songs. It made you feel as if you're part of her stories. Her past seems to relate to your past one way or another. Up to some extent, you will feel like they are coincidences but on another you would probably think that people go through life the same way. The same path.

The first time I heard about her was probably like a couple of years ago. That song; 'Dan Sebenarnya' was like a lightning strike, shooting straight into your brain (and obviously your heart). It was certainly about love. Yeah, I know.. I know.. not another song review. I am not going to write any review about the song. Not to worry.

I did grab a copy of her album. Somehow I dont listen to her songs anymore. It will make you sad. It did that to me. You cant live your life with things of the past haunting you day and night. Decided, enough is enough. Thee he he..

But on another note. How can you not fell in love with her?

I know I did.


Unknown said...

I love her song and I married my husband bcoz of her song and yes I agree her songs make u recall all ur past... :p

Unknown said...

I am pretty sure he got married to you for the same reason too, biscuit.