Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Saya Minum Kopi

Saya minum kopi.
Kalau diberi pilihan antara milo mahupun teh dan kopi, saya pilih kopi.
Dan kopinya mestilah tanpa susu. Rasa berlemak dicampur susu melenyapkan kepahitan serbuk kopi. Kureng jadinya. Biar kopi itu hitam. Orang bilang hitam itu menawan. It must be of a near perfect mix between the sugar and the coffee powder. Any imbalance proportion would give a too sweet or a too bitter taste on the drink.
Samada kopi kampung mahupun kopi kota, dua2 boleh saja. Dua2 punya kick yang berbeza namun boleh diterima tekak samada duduk bersila ataupun di kerusi Restoran Ali Maju.
My Mum and Dad are coffee drinkers. Mum is still addicted to it, in so far as I can remember. Waktu kecil dahulu, seingatnya ketika di bangku sekolah rendah, sayalah yang menjadi tukang bancuh kopinya. Each and every time I made them the coffee, they will always remind me, "Gula bubuh sikit saja Abang".
Mum now drinks her coffee minus sugar. For health reasons, the intake is lesser than how it used to be. Probably Dad too drinks his coffee the same way. But one can never stop the caffeine intake forever. Lesser, maybe. Once a coffee drinker, always will be.
Untie Marie is the tea lady who makes coffee (tea too) for everyone at the firm where I spent 10 years of my life as an auditor. Rasanya dia dah pencen, by now.
When I left the firm to join a client of the firm, I paid the Admin Clerk with my own pocket money to make me 2 cups of coffee everyday. Kat company tu bahaya sikit. You simply can't ask people to do work that is not listed in their JDs. And making coffee is certainly not in hers.
Someone close to my heart used to make me coffees at the last company that I worked with, before I joined the current company. Usually, she would just tell me that my coffee is ready at the pantry without me even have to ask for one. Once she got married, I had to ask her at least 3 days in a row, on average, to mix one for me. Sometime, it was just like a request gone unheard. It's ironic that the attention had disappear together with my morning fix.
I won't tell you about how I occasionally get my coffees nowadays for reasons that should be left untold.
Each and everyone connected to these coffees are special as there are stories connected behind it and the memories they left are worth remembering.
Now you understand why a cup of coffee is a big deal for me though you may think that it is just about being friendly.
Care for a cuppa?


neorise said...

nice story


Anonymous said...

that forte