Monday, November 18, 2013


Do you still remember the last time you said THANK YOU?
No.. no.. I don't mean the one that you uttered day in, day out.
Not the one when someone pass you the ketchup across the table.
Not the one when someone give up their seats for you in a packed LRT.
Not the one when the fruit seller returned your small change.

Not those kind of THANK YOUs.
Those type of THANK YOUs have no meaning. Really.
We are just simply being polite.
We say THANK YOU because it was just proper to say those words at that very moment.

I am talking about the THANK YOUs that comes out straight from the heart.
THANK YOUs that we say when we really-really mean it.
When we really-really appreciate what others do for us.

I learned about those kind of THANK YOUs over the weekend.
Not that I did'nt know what THANK YOU really means but rather a reminder of what it means.

I said THANK YOU to the following people, in those order.
  • My former 'not so difficult' boss. Apparently it was his last day before retiring. What he said in reaction to my THANK YOU phonecall was worth remembering, forever.
  • My wife. It took her a day to respond. Probably she was shocked, as even I, cannot remember when was the last time I thank her.
  • Some of my staff in office. Though my appreciation extends to all of them.
  • My collegue, for which it took me a very long time to let go of the grudge I had on her before I could even uttered those words. It brought tears to my eyes when I finally did.
  • My other collegues. On various genuine reasons.
The next time you want to say THANK YOU, do take some time to really know and understand the real reasons.
It will give a feel-good effect on you.
And would certainly make the other person feel appreciated, I'm sure.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

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