Friday, September 27, 2013

Sedut Racun

Orang banyak bising harga benda2 keperluan naik. Aku pun bising jugak cuma dalam hati saja sebab walaupun naik, perbelanjaan aku yang bertambah tu aku tampung dengan mengurangkan simpanan aku bulan2.

Agaknya satu hari nanti bila keperluan asas aku yakni rokok naik sehingga RM50 sekotak, aku mungkin akan mula bising di luar hati. Atau mungkin aku berpiket secara solo di depan kedai mamak yang pagi2 aku beli rokok tu. Mana tau kalau aku mula berpiket, akan ada perokok2 tegar lain yang turut sama berpiket. Pasti ramai yang panas dalam cuma khuatir kalau diluahkan jadi kera sumbang sorang2 (read: sekor2).

Secara psikologinya, perlu ada yang memulakan sesuatu.  Aku pasti kalau aku mula sorang, akan ada yang turut serta. Kalau tidak pun jika perlu, aku bayar derang untuk turut serta. Jika perlu lah. Lepas tu bolehlah bersandar tepi tiang sambil menyedut racun membicarakan keadaan ekonomi masa itu.

Hmmph.. perjuangan ini akan hambar jika diusahakan sorang tetapi hasilnya dikongsi satu Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Test of Time

Needing and wanting of something pretty much relates to missing or losing that very same thing.

When I was still in primary school, Dad bought me a mickey mouse watch. You know, the one where you have Mickey's hands (or rather leg, since Mickey is a mouse) pointing out to the numbers. My sister somehow wore it to school and lost it. But I did'nt get mad at her. I guess when you are still young, you tend to loose things.

But only after not having it anymore, I came to realise the value of something that I have lost. The value is not tied to ringgit and cents but rather to the fact that it was my first watch. It had a sentimental value though. Since then, I never really got the hang of wearing a watch.
  • In secondary school, I carry around a watch in my pocket, minus the band.
  • Over the years, I bought cheap watches and lost it. Who bothers.
  • Watches, somehow is not a good birthday present for me.
  • Nowadays, no one look at watches to know the time, anyway. Handphones, remember?
In a relationship, be it pre-marriage or post-marriage, couples dont really realise what is the consequences of losing each other. They tend to see things which had somehow became too obvious and irritating that they wanted to get rid of those things. Well, you get rid of the bad ones, the good ones leave at the same time. You're getting rid of something that came in a package. Huh.. forgotten that fact my friend?

Lets keep things simple. As simple things will stand the test of time.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hari Warna Yang Satu.

Hari ini disebut Hari Malaysia.

Hari yang dikatakan bahawa Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Sabah dan Sarawak secara rasminya membentuk Malaysia.

Warna2 Malaysia.

Apabila kamu hanya mampu melihat satu warna.

Maka sambutlah.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

14 Sept 2013

Murder.. she wrote.
Itu tajuk satu citer bersiri kt tv waktu saya kecik2 dulu. Kalo lain generasinya mungkin rasa pelik sket. Tajuk pun dah pelik bunyinya. Tp citer dia best. Ttg seorg perempuan tua yg selesaikan kes2 murder.
Budak2 skrg mayb kurang layan tv kalo asek menatap skrin komputer shj.
Ok bai. Kepala pening.
Nak telan paracetamol 500mg cap Panadol.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Saya Minum Kopi

Saya minum kopi.
Kalau diberi pilihan antara milo mahupun teh dan kopi, saya pilih kopi.
Dan kopinya mestilah tanpa susu. Rasa berlemak dicampur susu melenyapkan kepahitan serbuk kopi. Kureng jadinya. Biar kopi itu hitam. Orang bilang hitam itu menawan. It must be of a near perfect mix between the sugar and the coffee powder. Any imbalance proportion would give a too sweet or a too bitter taste on the drink.
Samada kopi kampung mahupun kopi kota, dua2 boleh saja. Dua2 punya kick yang berbeza namun boleh diterima tekak samada duduk bersila ataupun di kerusi Restoran Ali Maju.
My Mum and Dad are coffee drinkers. Mum is still addicted to it, in so far as I can remember. Waktu kecil dahulu, seingatnya ketika di bangku sekolah rendah, sayalah yang menjadi tukang bancuh kopinya. Each and every time I made them the coffee, they will always remind me, "Gula bubuh sikit saja Abang".
Mum now drinks her coffee minus sugar. For health reasons, the intake is lesser than how it used to be. Probably Dad too drinks his coffee the same way. But one can never stop the caffeine intake forever. Lesser, maybe. Once a coffee drinker, always will be.
Untie Marie is the tea lady who makes coffee (tea too) for everyone at the firm where I spent 10 years of my life as an auditor. Rasanya dia dah pencen, by now.
When I left the firm to join a client of the firm, I paid the Admin Clerk with my own pocket money to make me 2 cups of coffee everyday. Kat company tu bahaya sikit. You simply can't ask people to do work that is not listed in their JDs. And making coffee is certainly not in hers.
Someone close to my heart used to make me coffees at the last company that I worked with, before I joined the current company. Usually, she would just tell me that my coffee is ready at the pantry without me even have to ask for one. Once she got married, I had to ask her at least 3 days in a row, on average, to mix one for me. Sometime, it was just like a request gone unheard. It's ironic that the attention had disappear together with my morning fix.
I won't tell you about how I occasionally get my coffees nowadays for reasons that should be left untold.
Each and everyone connected to these coffees are special as there are stories connected behind it and the memories they left are worth remembering.
Now you understand why a cup of coffee is a big deal for me though you may think that it is just about being friendly.
Care for a cuppa?

Monday, September 9, 2013


I am listening to songs by Yuna while writing this entry. Earlier today I came accross her blog. What caught my attention was the way she penned down her thoughts. They were like lyrics of her songs. It made you feel as if you're part of her stories. Her past seems to relate to your past one way or another. Up to some extent, you will feel like they are coincidences but on another you would probably think that people go through life the same way. The same path.

The first time I heard about her was probably like a couple of years ago. That song; 'Dan Sebenarnya' was like a lightning strike, shooting straight into your brain (and obviously your heart). It was certainly about love. Yeah, I know.. I know.. not another song review. I am not going to write any review about the song. Not to worry.

I did grab a copy of her album. Somehow I dont listen to her songs anymore. It will make you sad. It did that to me. You cant live your life with things of the past haunting you day and night. Decided, enough is enough. Thee he he..

But on another note. How can you not fell in love with her?

I know I did.